Selected as "Cover Artist for 2022"
"Escape Artists" Article by Amy Halpern featuring the work of Countryside Artisans (I'm featured on p. 238-239)
Road Show, Rt. 355, Hyattstown, MD, Hyattstown Mill Arts Project
Juried Maryland Pastel Society Exhibit, Delaplaine Arts Center
(I won an award!)
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Juror's statement on award:
The artist properly used a modern compositional format coupled with a brilliant late impressionist palette. The plums are sculptural and define all modern forms of space, light and shadow. Appealing rhythm coupled with textural quality. Highly ornate, a joy to lose yourself in. Maria Marino, juror, "Symphony in Pastel"
"Revisiting History-Columbus", monotype